♥Kimura U is a japnaese fashion designer,voice actress,singer and a Kawaii ambassador that lives in Tokyo. She recently opened her own store in Shibuya 109 that sells Kawaii attire under the name "Kokokim" and dreams of starting her own anime with the characters that she designs. With a positive attitute and Kawaii style, she is a perfect ambassador!♥
The concept of the store is to create a Kawaii world for both girls, boys, woman and men. Kimura designs and draws all the designs herself. Click here to go to the online store. Also big news! The UK based "Dreamy bows" is now a UK Kokokim seller. Below is the opening video of the store to see the Kawaii-ness!
♥Here is a sneak preview at her anime styled Kawaii designs. If it came out as an anime would you watch it?
♥Kimura also occasionally posts makeup tutorials for her fans. From Naruto transformations to Sweet Lolita makeup and hair tutorials. Her videos can be seen on her youtube channel and on the Kawaii Pateen channel.
Thanks for choosing Kawaii-B! Your number one place for Kawaii in the UK!
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